Joanne Link

Violin, Viola

Joanne Link started a piano and violin studio when she was 17 years old and today, 20 years later, is developing Mind Steward into a company that tangibly helps families discover the fantastic impact that Arts education has on a young mind.

Joanne is a state certified K-12 public school teacher with both the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Board of Education. She is also a certified Suzuki Instructor for book 1, 2, and 3 for violin and viola and has a Bachelor's of Music in Education from the College of New Jersey.

Joanne has founded string education programs in five elementary schools, dramatically impacted instrumental music and musical theater programming throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and currently serves as president of the Harrisburg Area Flute and String Chapter of the Pennsylvania Suzuki Association.

Joanne has worked with South Brunswick Board of Education, Matawan-Aberdeen Regional Board of Education, Marple Newtown Board of Education, Players Club of Swarthmore, Rose Valley Chorus and Orchestra, Encore Homeschool Productions, and Covenant Christian Academy as a vocal, theater, and instrumental music teacher.  Joanne continues to meet with many families both formally and informally, helping parents answer questions particularly pertaining to instrumental music education and how it could be a part of family life.

In some way, shape, or form, music will have a rich impact on home-life for people of all ages.

Joanne is proud to lead Mind Steward, a company that surveys the local culture and builds programming to enrich the minds in its path. We would all do well to steward minds with persistent excellence.